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OPEN MIC NIGHT - flaming microphone. N3 presents 4pm rehearsal, 6pm doors, 6:30pm performances begin. Free to sign up, $5 audience admission


N3 Music & Theater Club present OPEN MIC NIGHT  for ages 7 and up!

Sign up to perform:

DETAILS: Doors open at 6pm / Performances begin at 6:30pm

MANDATORY PARTICIPANT CHECK-IN prior to the show @ 4pm
in order to run through the line-up, offer time to practice, allow for technical set-up for each performer/group.   Each entry is limited to 5 minutes max.
Show is limited to ten (10) slots for ages 7-18 + four (4) slots for 19 & up.

PROVIDED: Two microphones with stands, chairs, and stools.  Instruments, props & other equipment are the responsibility of the performer.

FREE to sign up & perform!

AUDIENCE ENTRY = $5 (Cash preferred!)