August 14 Regular Board Meeting
August 14, 2023 at 7:00 P.M. at the Oliver House
1555 Summit Street, Norwood, CO 81423
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the NORWOOD PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT, County of San Miguel, State of Colorado, will hold a regular meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, August 14, 2023, at the Oliver House, for the purpose of conducting such business as may come before the Board.
This meeting is open to the public.
Regular Meeting Agenda
1) 7:00 Call to Order
2) 7:01 Declaration of Quorum
3) 7:02 Changes to the Agenda
4) 7:10 Approval of July Financial Reports
5) 7:20 Ratification of Payment of Bills
6) 7:25 Approval of Minutes from the July 10 Regular Meeting
7) 7:30 Appointment and Swearing in of Director Stanger
8) 7:35 Approval of Revised Signatory docs with Alpine Bank and Designation of Capital Funds amount and Grants fund amounts
9) 8:00 Items of Agenda
a) Events (30 minutes)
(1) Report from Recent events
(2) Upcoming Events
(3) Music on the Mesa
b) Facility Report (15 minutes)
i) Livery sound system – Update
ii) Review of Facility Wish List
iii) Follow-ups on repairs/maintenance from previous meeting (irrigation, security)
iv) Building Projects with NHS c) Recreation Reports (15 minutes) i) JFK Grant Update/discussion – Updates on Dance ii) Climbing Wall discussion/LCLT grant for youth climbing program iii) Try-it-Tuesdays Update
d) General Admin (30 minutes)
i) Public Bulletin Board – Director Chesonis
ii) Recruiting for vacant seat
iii) Discussion of Rezoning next steps
iv) Update from Town Meetings
v) Update on Master Plan
vi) Discussion about Canva
vii) Staffing discussion/Parental leave
10) 9:15 Public Comment
11) 9:20 New Business 12) 9:30 Executive Session – (if needed)
13) 9:35 Adjournment
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: MONDAY September 11 at 7:00 P.M.
Downloadable PDF: 08.14.2023 Notice