The Norwood Park and Recreation District is governed by a five member Board of Directors. The overall administration and management of the District is their responsibility. These Board Members are elected officials.
Meet the Team

Liza has been a resident of Norwood since 2002 and has served previously on the Wright Stuff Foundation and Wide Sky Arts Collective (formerly A.C.E.) of Norwood boards. Though an engineer by education, she worked primarily in vacation rental management until June 2020. She has a fabulous daughter, fluffy dog, and loves gardening.

This seat is currently vacant. Email or contact a member of the board if you are interested in serving on the Board of Directors.

Daiva Chesonis is a fiercely proud Baltimore-born daughter of Lithuanian immigrants. After receiving a degree in Russian Studies in 1988, she started building chairlifts, moving to Colorado in 1992 to build Telluride’s gondola transportation system. Since then, she's been a snowboard instructor, Art Director at Telluride Magazine, founder and director of the Telluride AIDS Benefit Fashion Show, co-founder of the Telluride Literary Arts Festival, and a traveling minstrel for Mountainfilm on Tour. In 2005, she earned an M.A. in Diplomacy and International Conflict Resolution—for fun—which serves her well as the co-owner of Between the Covers Bookstore in Telluride. Mom to one amazing adult, Daiva can be found writing and performing poetry (as the current San Miguel County Poet Laureate), and serving on the Boards of Norwood Park & Recreation District (NPRD) and Telluride AIDS Benefit (TAB). Spare time is spent paddleboarding, wandering local forests on the hunt for mushrooms, and also the seemingly endless canyon country just west of her home in Norwood CO where she lives with her writer husband, Craig Childs.
(Elected 2018, Elected by acclamation 2022, term expires May 2025)
(Elected 2018, Elected by acclamation 2022, term expires May 2025)

Michelle Liljgren is a proud Colorado native and has a great love of the outdoors. Michelle has been working with NPRD since 2012. In addition to paying the bills and keeping the financial reports up-to-date, she is the chief 'T-crosser and I-dotter' for the District, ensuring that deadlines and other governmental compliance requirements are met.
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